I have never done a blog before and I am not really expecting anyone else to read it...just me. This is so I remember this weight loss journey. I have lost and gained weight so much over the past 10 years that I need to have something to remind myself how good I feel when I am skinny compared to how I feel when I am fat. Any yes...right now I am FAT!! So bring on the pain...tomorrow I make the phone call that will start me loosing weight...and hopefully feeling better.

I should mention that I am a horrible speller...so through this journey IF someone does decide to read my blog...look out...my spelling sucks!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Like a Junkie

So Allen says I'm like a junkie coming off of drugs. Headaches, shakes, cranky....I am sure that I am not as extreme as a junkie...but close enough. I went to bed early last night because I had a bad headache again. I cut out one of my fruits in hopes that I won't loose it all for the weekend. I have a good idea that's what is going to happen anyway. My body is like...WTF? No cofee since Tuesday...I miss it, but as comfort only really. I decided I don't like coffee...I like cream and sugar. If I can't drink it black...I shouldn't drink it at all. I am determined which is good, but it feels like a slow process.

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