I have never done a blog before and I am not really expecting anyone else to read it...just me. This is so I remember this weight loss journey. I have lost and gained weight so much over the past 10 years that I need to have something to remind myself how good I feel when I am skinny compared to how I feel when I am fat. Any yes...right now I am FAT!! So bring on the pain...tomorrow I make the phone call that will start me loosing weight...and hopefully feeling better.

I should mention that I am a horrible speller...so through this journey IF someone does decide to read my blog...look out...my spelling sucks!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday...and we begin with Tears!

So I phoned Dr. B today and started back up. I sat at the kitchen table for over 15 minutes looking at the phone # and wishing I didn't have to pick up the phone and call. Eventually Allen came over, dialed the phone, stuck it to my ear, and made me talk. I hung up...and the tears started. I know what I am in for. I know how hard it will be...and it is going to suck. I have already heard "your not going back there again are you?" so that always makes it easier to start again...NOT!
Things are crazy with the kids right now, and while I am out driving I want donuts, and burgers, and coffee...it is way to hard. Why do I have to love food so much? I would say it's genetic...which is possible, but I have been skinny before..and was for most of my 20's...but 30 is hard. The muffin top, and the rolls around my but are killing me. I have a bathing suit hanging on the back of my bathroom door. It's been there for almost 8 months. It didn't fit when I bought it, and it is really cute. Can I get into that suit soon? I hope so.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry you can do it!! You have done it before and you can do it again. Somehow we need to understand that food doesn't do anything for us but make us fat.. why the heck do we even think we need to have it? Why does something tasting so good make us happy, actually it doesn't it just makes us mad that we ate it... I myself hate being fat too but for some reason I still don't stop eating the yummy treats. Trust me I'm sure some of it is genetics... all our family has to watch, even our uncle said if he doesn't work out almost every day and watch what he eats everyday 5 pounds creeps up on him fast... we are cursed and for some reason we will have to watch what we eat for the rest of our lives. Oh to having a huge metabolism. Trust me I think most people that could do Dr. B would people like me just can't afford it, haha... Either way fat, skinny, inbetween I love you. Good luck!!
